At the bottom of a shallow valley I slow my steps, blood pounding pierces temple silence
Needles asway on boreal breath, crystalline caress I draw my furred hood 'round like feathers on my neck
Breathe in, breathe out; let the world blink out and refocus
A million eyes study me unseen, underbrush embrace oldgrowth secretskeeping
Post-glacial rivulets seeding spring-thaw capilliaries carve 'round rooted Sorel boots
Pine resin clouds like a drug (reach out your arms) I'm hopped up I'm,
Mud squelch as I shift my balance, eyes scan rolling patches of dormant flora— all's brown this time of year.
Spent rifle casings catch light at birch's root; vile flashes blaze-orange coor's lite stench shake it off, shake it off...
Forest is only fearsome if you haven't claimed yourself for its own
Trees will stand at your back like vengeful guardians; spread your wings daughters of teeth
Faint signals bounce patient though evergreen canopy (yea hun i can pick up bread im omw)
Prayers resume in hushed dimensional collapse as I trace the footpath.
- chelsea r. 6/21